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Classic Martini Coaster Set Classic Martini Coaster Set
Product Details
About Michael Godard
Oh My God...ard! These are usually the first words out of peoples' mouths when they view Michael Godard's artwork. Godard, known as the 'Rock Star of the Art World' is currently the #1 best selling artist in the U.S.
Product Specifications
5-piece ceramic coaster set
- Set comes with four beautifully decorated ceramic coasters (all with the same image)
along with a wood holder. - Each coaster has a protective cork bottom and the wood holder has felt protectors on the bottom.
- The set comes wonderfully decorated with raffia ribbon.
Measures: 4.5"W x 4.25"L x 1.75"H
My daughters inspired me to do this. They wanted to paint one day but let their brushed dry out and, since they ruined them, I told them that they would have to paint with their fingers. That reminded me of the times that I did finger painting as a kid and, since I had this piece already out-lined, I used my thumb to fingerpaint it.